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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
pc +bird 7
peace +bird & plant 34
perfect +bird & circle 7
phenyle LORET brand +bird 5
phsi KHUSHI +bird & flowers 5, 10
pill RAJA +bird 12
bird 32
plant nest & bird 37
plants & bird 30
pot bird & circle 25
poultry PREFER +bird 31
pp POULMEN +bird 21
pr primus +bird & stripes 9
pune EAGLES +bird & shield 41
r +bird 24
r RED ROOSTER RACING +bird 36, 39
r RESHMA +bird & square 25
r ROSSI +bird 24
r ROYAL +bird 12
r.r. products +bird & oval 34
rajasthan polo +bird & oval 28
rajhans products +bird 5
rc RALPH CRAVEN +bird 33
real GARD +bird 9
republic OF CHICKEN +bird 8, 15, 19, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38
road runner +bird 9
royal EAGLE +bird 34
royal FALCON premium +bird 33
royal GUARDS +bird & circle 42
royal SWAN colours +bird 1
rsr MOHOTA MILLS +bird 25
s +bird 24
s SHANKER GROUP +bird 19
s SHANTHI +bird 29
s SPHOORTHY +bird 36
s SUNPLEX shoes +crown bird 25
sadhna pocket books +bird 17
safty is our concern +bird 39
sahitya +bird 16
sandesh +bird & circle 30
santhi PRIYA +bird & oval 31
sarvottam S +bird & oval 31
sbl HI BIRD +bird & circles 12
selection +bird 1, 40, 43
shagun premium +bird 3
shaheen metals +bird 8
shakti PARAKH +bird 3
sharmili +bird & globe 23
sharmili CASHMILON +bird 23
shree G +bird & square 29
shree MAYUR gold +bird 30
shri KARNI +bird & globe 24
shri VIDYA PRABODHINI +bird 41
since 1978 +bird 37
singapore airlines +bird 1, 20, 21, 25
skw BLACK BIRD +bird 25
sky blue RISHI +flying bird 2
sleepezee +bird 20
sm S.M. THAKKAR +bird & shi 35
sm SHIRIMIN +bird & oval 31
snakes & bird 16
so-ham kriya yoga +bird fac 16
speed bird +sun 16
square & bird 16, 18, 20, 21
sr +bird 16
ssi EAGLE slate +bird globe 16
st. louis CARDINALS +bird 16, 25
standard GULAL +bird 2
stanford +bird & shield 25
star & bird 18, 25
stic on FALCON +bird 16
stripes & bird 41, 42
success +bird 41
sun bird & tree 2, 6, 19, 37
sun hills bird & wreath 25
super BIRD blue +bird 3
super CHIC +bird & egg 1
super CHIC +bird & oval 29
super CHIC +oval & bird 9
super CUSHION SIE +bird 25
super EAGLE brand +bird 5
super HEENA detergent +bird 3
super KABUTAR +bird & circl 30
super KAPACOL spw +bird 2
super LIGHT +bird 3
super LIKE WHITE +bird 3
super MASTER +stove & bird 11
super PANCHI +bird 30
super STORK +bird 23
super chic +bird & egg 5
super flush +bird 11
super white +bird 3
supreme +bird 29, 30
surya +sun & bird 9
swiss EAGLE +bird 14, 16, 18
swisseagle +cross & bird 3, 8, 9, 21, 28, 32, 35
symbol of quality +bird ova 13
t SUN BIRD +sun & bird 24
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